Add customization-card packs and lower the costs at all

Title says it all, cost lowering mentionded before so im not gonna make a direct price suggestion, but maybe appeareance orders could be buyable in a pack like buy 100 get 200

Example actually:

Head 60G + Hat 120G + Trousers 60G + coat 240G * 6 Memerbs * 6 Campaigns = 17.280G

Yes its a thousandpoint not a commar^^

we planned some changes in customizations: Answering Your Questions!


Your fast answere makes me speechless :smiley:, is there anything specific you can tell us?

Maybe which thought beeing discussed or round about when changes will come?

I understand that you guys wont quote a timeline but maybe you can tell +/- how many upgrades/weeks/months will it take?

Will also tank cammos be affected and will the number of available stuff increase drastically?

Nope, sorry :с
But you can re read dev answers if you want с:

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Please consider an option to buy clothes with silver. I really dont care about upgrading my guns but some new coats would be nice. I always run out of customization orders

They can read and write ? How novel…