Add bombs to the later models of the bf-109s

Bf-109s are in my opinion the best fighter planes but they don’t have any bombs for them to actually be worth it taking them into combat. If they just add 2 50kg bombs to them it will make the bf-109 amazing.


I think “all” fighter planes should have a small payload
109 F4/Trop would have to trades its gunpods for 4x50kg or 1x250kg
109 G6 could have 4x50kg or 2 rockets
109 g10 would have to trade its gunpods (2x20mm cannons) for 1x 250kg bomb
109 K-4 apparantly only has 1x500 kg option (according to warthunder, but I dont see why it couldnt carry 250KG or rockets)


its so stupid that people keep flying low BR aircraft like IAR81 just so they can have bombs on fighter planes.

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The whole problem could be fixed with introducing vehicle loadouts that can be changed on spawn and on rearm point. Let the player decide if they want more guns or bombs, more HE or AP. The available loadout would be dependent on current BR, so vehicles aren’t too OP in low range, but still viable in high range.


No, never! I keep my 20s!!!

But if it’s a CHOICE, yes definitely.


Choice is king!


Anyone else was around when Bf-109 G6 had a single 250 kg bomb in Normandy? Fun times those were.

This needs to be a thing. K-4, G-6, G-10 should all get bombs. 250 kg would be fantastic. They are all top tier aircraft in the first place. Every single Allied top tier aircraft has bombs or rockets.

I agree that any aircraft deserves a bomb under the right circumstances

I’ve mentioned ordnance loadouts in a comment here Myrm1dons All Nations AIR Balance and Revamp! - #12 by GNTRall and I think they’re one of the most important additions to air play for several reasons. Check out if the BR calculation formula I outlined in that comment would fit what you expect!