Add a new gamemode where we defend against an assault by waves of ai controlled Infantry and Tanks (similar to War Thunder's Ground Assault PVE Gamemode)

We currently only have one gamemode (squads) that earns you coins and exp. New permament gamemodes r need.

Who agrees?


No hope.


Why not?

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They’ve already stated in the Q&A that the PvE mode was a gimmick (one that they clearly did not anticipate to be as popular as it was)

I think massive PvE modes are a growing trend in multiplayer games and it’s concerning that Darkflow isn’t really paying attention and trying to get ahead of that curve.


Look at them now. Those baster rather make 10v3 matches just to push more player in one room instead of making fun balanced 3v3 with rest 14 bots in a match.


They already turned half of the matches as the glorified PVE mode.

Where are those even matches that i’ve been longing for so long.

And why are “devs” are only playing mods on their streams instead a real game? It’s another proof that DF doesn’t even play game with official mode or just loads up all the cheats to get everything unlocked.

Official PVE mode would be cool but i guess they wouldn’t be able to monetize it so they are hesitant.


If darkflow manages to create a fun and challanging gamemode for players, it will increase popularity of Enlisted.

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As for the gamemode itself, in my opinion it should work look like this:

-The objective of the game would be for the player team to defeat all the ai waves, but they would lose if they run out of reinforcements or the zone gets capped.

  • Players are inside a cap zone with trenches, houses, and maybe bunker. There should also be several static machine gun and at gun implacements for players to use all perimeter, and space for tanks to manuver.

  • The player team would have to bring their own weapons, but grenades,med kits, ammo boxes, and AT weapons would be at everyones disposal.

-The enemy team consists of waves of a lot infantry and many tanks coming from multple directions
stimultaniously and trying to capture the zone (similar to War thunder’s PVE gamemode)

-Waves get progressvly harder with the enemy ai team getting better infantry weapons and tanks, and larger waves

  • Both sides could have access to artillery and air strikes

-Players can spawn tanks or planes (but limited to 1 or 2 at a time )

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We dont need official pve mode if they would let us lock teams for mods and improve custom match server quality. Seriously there are dozens of players that are willing to do pve mods for free but the editor and bad servers make this task too difficult and sometimes even impossible.

Modders are one of the most important part of the community. Please make their work easier so they can make your game better and fill the gaps you dont want to fill


the problem with PVE custom matches is that u can’t get EXP and silver. The developpers are the only ones who can add a gamemode that pays

they are different periods in where every nation have their own PVE modes, so yes

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PvE was mentioned in the last Q&A

Q. One of the recent events showed that there’s demand for PVE content among players. Will you continue working in this direction?

A. We had a lot of fun developing the PVE event for April Fools’, and we’re glad you enjoyed it. However, maintaining a PVE mode permanently would be challenging. Not only due to implementation difficulties, but also because we want to avoid having “two games in one”. Nevertheless, we’re discussing this internally.

They could change that

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They won’t because it will lead to players farming xp and credits againest bots

Only balanced mods would give xp. Mods that are intentionally made too easy wouldnt work