⭐ About the new progression and matchmaking

Just for my understanding:

If it will be created very similar to early Warthunder (I stoped playing it 2 or 3 years ago, so i am not at the lastest state) we will have different Nations with their Tech Trees.

So if I choose my Germans and a Tiger tank, I will be placed on a Map where Germans fight with a Battle Rating (BR) of the Tiger, correct?

And if I am choosing a Japanes Rifle Squad I will be placed on a Pacific Map with low Tier troops - not much stronger/better than my Riflemen?

So does it mean you are introducing Battle Ratings (BR) for each troop(vehicle) for the matchmaking?
And please please please be careful with the grinding…me and many of my friends left Warthunder when grinding went into a real pain!

Excuse me, would you be offended if I said that you like to beat the faces of newbies in the sandbox, and not chaos in the sandbox? :slight_smile:

You can still take a squad and equip it with bolters.

Moreover. You will have to do it. the new system is not so simple - it will not work to fight only with machine guns and machine guns. Just as it was even in the final stages of World War II.




Thanks for your reply. That’s good to hear.

It‘s maybe unfair for Moscow players。 Berlin’s player have almost every super weapon。


No. We will exchange them at a fair rate.


Very good improvements expected, but please do not forget the gameplay improvements, the following video shows the biggest problem that Enlisted currently has and since they have considered it a feature, the video will make it sufficiently clear how it is affecting the gameplay in obvious ways.

Play Video


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We do not plan this.


Good, I don’t think I’ll have use for 1,000 silver troop orders anytime soon. Thank you.


War Thunder has got a WAY worse F2P formula than Enlisted.

Unlike Enlisted, where everything you buy in game is “buy once, use forever for free”, in WT you have to pay game currency not only to buy new vehicles, but also to repair them if you lose them in battle, and to buy new ammo.

Due to this system being exploited both to “balance” vehicles and to encourage premium purchases, as you progress the tech trees, you progressively spiral down into a downright predatory economy, where you eventually by playing a match you LOSE more currency than you earn.

The worst part is, buying premium account doesn’t even solve the problem, it just raises a bit the bar of sustainability.

While lower tiers are very generous, hooking you up and allowing you to (slowly) stockpile currency, top tier economy is purposefully designed to be unsustainable.

It was the neverending greed of WT economy, where it doesn’t matter how much you pay, there is NEVER a point where it’s enough to let you just enjoy the game, that eventually drove me away after years of daily playing.

Edit: that’s why I hope I never see Enlisted opening the can of rotten worms that is “repair/resupply costs”.


Idk, I suddenly lost all motivation to play at all. This will be a change that either breaks or makes the game.
I understand and see on daily basis that you have massive problems with splittered playerbase and that this problem slowly chokes the game.
But throwing every campaing in one hat and giving up basically everything that sets this game apart from countless other WW2 games (beside the bots). I dont know, I have a bad feeling about this.


Let’s see
Moscow end game weapons are also very good, the only downside is the lack of FG-42 and AVT

Yes. Even before the appearance of this mechanic, we will allow mass selling of weapons in one of the QoL patches.


You can always play historical ones on customs.

We don’t want Moscow and Stalingrad to be the new home of is2 and AVS44. I like it the way it is where different battlefields have different equipment. There is no reason to remove the option to keep playing the way it is and be forced into berlin late game matches if I want to play my moscow axis army with scoped mkb


I guess. I cant use a white camo on a soldier in berlin

Will that work also with weapons like mortars, flamethrowers, Panzerfausts etc? + ofc other equipment like knifes, flasks and mines?


Currently Italy does not have a trooper 1 squad, will this be added with the new tech tree system?

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Do you really think someone will play thoose? Its just an “excuse” gamemode, that they can say: “You dont like the new direction? Then go play historical battles.” But nothing more. Just like the lone fighter mod. Noone played that.


Imagine Enlisted being full-loot game. Your soldier died in battle? You need to enlist new one and buy equipment to him as well.