A Viable AT Option for BR V Japan

The second one must be an event unlock!

I don’t know man it has 200 to 250 mm of pen same as I think RPzB and Panzerfausts giving it in an event would cripple Japan’s hand-held capability in BR 5 though it is up to devs to decide that


Yep. I just made a joke looking at the weapon itself. It looks very unique to say the least.

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Side note 200mm is the caliber I estimated, 250mm is the armor penetration I estimated.


Well the Tokyo Arsenal gun and ULMG “Type Hei” both at least had pictures and test data, I could only find descriptions on the high caliber rifle grenades I sketched in my post and the Type 97 Ji-Te Dan is also limited to that single picture and info from a researcher I trust.


How did you even estimate its penetration? Do you have more info?

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Comparing it to similar caliber HEAT rounds (like the Stielgranate 41) and other Japanese shaped charge warheads. Should be taken with a grain of salt as I’ve seen no official data on it.

Been a while since I made that post and by now I think a more realistic estimation would be something around ~220mm penetration, but its hard to tell.