A poll for the Forum

Stop it with your nonsense - I notice not killing people with one shot with my G41 all the time, because that usually means I am dead.

With G41, it’s way more common to down people than to kill them.

So I have no clue what kind of made up BS you are spreading.

Body armor turns G41 into a two hit kill, check the math

Everything below 20dmg is not guaranteed OHK. :man_shrugging:

Unless you are fighting against newbies without medkits on theirs soldiers ofc.

Ah what ever dude, I fell for your bait again, i should learn to read.

One hit kill = one hit down is essentially the same thing / its easier to write.

You are right, but curse you! You know what I meant.

In the past I haven’t had a big habit of desertion, but I am starting to desert more now, especially when the game is so bad it seems like a complete waste of time hanging on just to be cannon fodder :rofl:. The only reason I don’t desert as much as I would is solely because of the daily or the 20k points objectives. Without incentive, I wouldn’t lose any sleep about deserting. Take away my incentives, and I am probably not hanging around a butt pounding. In my case, short of suspending or banning a player for desertion no penalty they could issue would keep me from deserting if I want to, but then again, they always say they don’t have the player base, so I highly doubt suspending or banning will ever be a viable option as that doesn’t grow that player base.

I just deserted a game now and came her to calm my frustration. DF started me out so far that the control point was taken before I could get there, and that is usually when I desert. Well, that and seeing my level 3 allies are playing level 5 Japanese, those are the two biggest reasons I desert. The game before I was already mad and frustrated as I was standing outside a bunker and the dude that shot me was in the bunker. Realistic? I think not, and it was not a network delay as I had been standing there for about 4 or 5 seconds and not neither of us were standing in front of an open door. :joy:

  • Review stack system. putting 4 players in a 10vs10 would be too unbalanced.

Other suggestions would be to not put multiple stacks in one game, reduce the number of stacked players, or custom games only. This should be the biggest priority to prevent extremely unbalanced, shitty games that last 8 minutes.

  • To prevent the game from becoming extremely fast-paced, it is advisable to temporarily protect bases even in invasion mode.
  • I would like to see a 16.8 damage British semi-auto rifle in BR4 or 5.
  • Sell distinctive and ethnic squads like the Moroccan Goumier. There are Gurkha soldiers, Solomon tribesmen, Vietminh, Moro in the Philippines, and many more just to think about.

I don’t care about G41
I only use VG15. For me, there is not much difference between 2 shots and 3 shots.
Maybe more times?
But the recoil of VG15 makes me not care about this problem

This is team PVP
They formed a team to solve the problem of 1 normal person + 9 idiots
Maybe you should play word definition instead of multiplayer

I dislike the term esports and believe that games are supposed to be fun.
I figure that 10 idiots vs. 10 idiots would be more fun, at least for the idiots, than 4 super players + 4 super players + 2 idiots vs. 10 idiots.

The game that can make stacks of 4 people reminds me of the Battlefield series, but that game is a 64 vs. 64 game, and even if there were 4 super players, the team balance would not be as extremely out of whack as in Enlisted.

  1. Doesn’t matter to me, I only play BR3, but I still have a lot of fun

  2. I hope they change it so that you can play all maps regardless of BR, for example, BR5 in Tunisia or Moscow, and BR1 in Berlin. This is because if Enlisted ever sets up a preferred maps system, BR3 players will have the ability to prefer Moscow or Tunisia and almost always get put into low BR games.

  3. Controversial: separation of USA/UK and maybe Germany/Italy. Because UK is one of the biggest powers in WW2, and after doing some research, I found they had enough items to have their own tech tree, given nations like France or ANZAC are included into it.

And also, originally I was against the idea of Vietnam in enlisted, but I think if the developers set it up like the old campaign system, it would be fine. I would hate seeing AK47s in Berlin, but I think a new era of fire arms would also be interesting.

Edit: also a Event only squad slot would be nice

I would like to see separate wars in different campaigns, like how we had it pre merge. Although I think the Sino-Japanese war is considered WW2, so it is fine in the main game.

You can be the best at destroying noobs, or you can be the best in a good group vs good players.

In the end both scenarios are “competitive” as long as two are competing.

E sports is for posers that want the attention.

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I agree that normal people and idiots should be separated
But the official doesn’t think so
Those FPS competitive idiots on the forum who gain emotional value and sense of self-superiority by killing idiots don’t think so either.
So we get a game environment with a random proportion of normal people and idiots

This is a team PVP
This is why teaming up is legal
Just like idiots can form a team
It’s just that they are so incompetent that no one cares whether they form a team or not.

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Oof. I’m not a fan of that. I used to “main” the Allies and that m1 carbine in BR2 is one of the only real advantages the Allies have (for those of us who don’t use planes).

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i am going to be honest, armaguerra and type hei are better than m1c…i am just religious about the carbine

I use both those as well (and the Winchester for the Russians) as my “go to” rifles for those armies - but I still take the m1 over those any day.

Doesn’t have the same stopping power, of course, but I like being able to put a bullet into each enemy squad member and then finishing off with a second round of bullets instead of leaving a few standing who can fight back.

it’s the damn fire rate that gets me, it was fine when it and the VG1-5 where the only ones with 320rpm but now all rifle but the hei and ostu (ostu is 350 base) has 320 base and can upgraded to 350 really hurts it…plus hei is more accurate to offset it’s rpm

everytime i bring my Garand to play only to see back to back Tokyo Arsenal and Type Hei Automatic kill feeds usually got me deserting faster than they can zerg rush my cap

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ugh the only thing i despise about VG 1-5 is it’s horrendous fire rate. it’s just like M1 Carbine with double the mag capacity