Hopefully gaijin adds a campaign themed restriction depending on the maps you choose for when you want to make a custom game. So for example if you choose moscow and stalingrad maps but want to restrict weapons to match the theme you should be able to rather
pick individual weapons/vehicles to restrict
campaign themed restrictions to have a shortcut. (So like Moscow themed, Stalingrad themed, etc)
Now you’re thinking in a realistic and sensible way. I can totally get behind this idea, for once. Although you should be asking DF, not GJ. GJ is only the publisher, and DF actually develops the game.
Thanks, at least we’re on the same page about something now.
Yeah forgive me on that one, as i typically make this mistake.
P.S., i was also gonna make a second suggestion of adding weakly campaigns with only squads that were in each of these weakly campaigns pre merge. And then itd be up to us to equip the soldiers with what weapons that were on each campaign we want, but only those weapons that were exclusively in each weakly. But i have no idea if it’d hold up as an option. Please let me know on the weakly battle concept.
The first one was for the idea of official servers and the 2nd one was an idea involving presets. So slightly different from this idea about weekly campaigns.
Yes, I agree. I feel like that would be perfect, because the people who would like to have historical realism to their games and are told to play custom games unfortunately have the problem where the AI enemy teams or even your fellow team have a random assortment of weapons. This would solve the problem of historical realism versus historical accuracy for those of us who really wish to see the historical site betrayed a little bit more closely.
I just feel it needs to be in the form of a weekly event each battle with rewards for playing the challenging side of it. Let’s say for Moscow the axis is the challenging side according to what most people said before the merge. So the challenge throughout the weekly battle would be to win X of games as the axis and then you’ll get a gold weapon order for doing it too. But playing the event overall would be a smaller reward like maybe a portrait or a name decorator at most. This should work as a PVP version of destiny’s weekly raids for instance where all types of players from new to veteran would come back to the game for more. And the fact such thing wouldn’t require a full-on overhaul is even better. You could still play with your squads but make sure the weapons are from the pre merge campaign the week selects. But first thing is first they would have to make that suggested change above to customs and then use those settings to create the weekly battles.
Even Fight are the events that had pre selected squads (IE you didnt use your squad loadouts … the game gave you prepopulated ones … so everyone used the same).
Be aware that if it becomes another grindy event, people might become sweaty and might try to spam the best possible weapon for that week’s campaign. That defeats the purpose of an HA event that people should be playing purely for the immersion factor.
I just thought of another idea for the weekly’s concept. Since the idea would be giving the player the ability to make their own presets for each weekly battle, then what about the event taking away the ability for the player to choose the side they want to play as? Making to where the queue picks the side for you, potentially avoiding bot farms on weekly’s like tunisia and the pacific.
Very very bad idea. People would hate it. Rather weeklys should have a join any team checkbox like the main game, and in both modes there should be a reward bonus for people who tick the box.