50 Round Magazines for Type 100 SMGs

The Type 100 SMG was first known first as the Type 3 SMG . I’ve noticed that the 30 Round Magazine for the Prewar Type 2b (incorrectly referred to as the Type 2a SMG in game) and the Type 100 SMG have the same relative magazine shape and assumed area where the magazine notch locks above the magazine catch inside the magwell on the Type 1, Type 2b, and Type 100 SMGs.


Pay attention to the shape and notch on the magazine and compare it to the location of the Type 1 and Type 2b Submachine guns magazine catch, the catch will indicate where the notch will be on the magazines inserted into the gun.



As you can see, the magazine notch is perfectly inline to where they would be interchangeable with the Type 3 (Type 100 SMG). Now I couldn’t find a picture of the 30 or 50 Round magazines for the Type 1 and Type 2b where the magazines notch is showing so if someone has a picture, please provide. However it’s undoubtedly the same magazine or at least interchangeable as examined by the shape and the area where the magazines notch is indicated by the magazine catch on the Type 1 and Type 2b SMGs.



So how would they be implemented? As tech tree weapons since Japan is content starved and needs more and more weapons to draw people to the faction!

So I suggest that the 50 Round Type 100 SMG (early) be given at BR-2-3, 50 Round Type 100 SMG (late) be given at BR-4, and lastly add a Type 100 SMG with bipod and 50 Rounds at BR-3.


Also carefully look at all of the magazines, you’ll notice that some magazines of the same type are more curved than others and some have a different structure. These 2 Type 100 SMG magazines have a different curve and different design.


And these Type 2b magazines have a slightly different shape and design:
1421388_original (1)

Anyways this is something I’d love to have in game and be sure to make these versions held by the magazines since its more logical to do with the offset weight.


Since there’s so much variation between magazines, I’ll show the most similar ones to argue for their interchangeability:


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That’s not the case type IiA in the game is model of 1934 which Japanese called it type 2 a and type 2 B is also type 2 A its just model of 1942 which Japanese still called it type 2 a the B designation was given by British troops in Singapore for it was somewhat different than normal type 2 a Model of 1934


I’ve read that there were no references to either “A” or “B” in Japanese documents. It appears that numerous naming systems have been fabricated. Perhaps, simply referring to the variants as Type 2 (1934), Type 2 (1934) (6.5 mm), and Type 2 (1942) would be the most rational.

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Yeah I guess you are right thx for the info

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