320th Grenadiers are Fallschirmjäger in Berlin?

Why Do you Give Normandy Fallschirmjäger Heer uninforms in Berlin and Normandy Heer Fallschirmjäger uninforms in Berlin this is mind boggling you guys did this bizzarro flip flop just give Heer base heer uniforms in all campaigns and Fallschirmjäger base Fallschirmjäger uninforms

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They never put that much thought into it…

I think the way it works is that i.e. the Machinegunner I squad from other campaigns always gets the default look the Machinegunner I squad originally had in the Berlin campaign.

The squad name is essentially just set dressing at this point.

But I don’t disagree, if they ever have the time to properly assign appropriate looks for each squad in every campaign, I’d be all for it.
Maybe they can even enlist some help from the community for what is effectively just a menial task?

It’s becuase they mirrored the presets for the squads of the same class.

Sometimes it removed unqiue look outside the original campaign. Like 25th Parachute regiment from Berlin turned into regular LMG team outside Berlin


Or the oppsoite, when marines turned into paratroopers


Several squads before merge had unique default preset, iirc it includes:

  1. US Assaulter 1 from Normandy
  2. US Assaulter 2 from Normandy
  3. US Sniper 2 from Normandy
  4. German Mortar 1 from Normandy
  5. German LMG 1 from Berlin
  6. German Flamethrower 1 from Berlin

In result, when squads with same class from other campaigns get there, they get unique preset as well

I’ve made my own list and marked that by №4, but from the opposite prespective (i mean, that outside original campaign these unique squads have default preset, not connected with their “nature”)
Soldier customization: Suggestions list by OS - Suggestions - Enlisted

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