100 round belt MG 42

Learn to read


Also I'm not paying this much for such low quality squad.
  • Bad lookng uniforms
  • Too many specialists and other premium squad stuff
  • Bad looking gun animation
  • Sound copy pasted from MG42

Also also, MG45 should have even more rof. Between 1300 to even 1800 (depends on source, bolt, etc).


Gib 250 rnd MG-08/15


Wow, all they had to do was put it at 1200 RPM. No one asked for another 1400+ RPM mg.

@TheUnclaimedOne How dare you there is no other person in this form whoā€™s crazy so that personā€™s obviously not me donā€™t confuse the two and this person has not been whining religiously for belt fed MG for who knows how long now.


And Iā€™m dropping my previous post here for all my other stuff for MG so MG apocalypse technically
If we ever get the belt fed MG with 100 rounds for the Germans itā€™s nothing to be proud about itā€™s just something we should have had a long time ago - Suggestions - Enlisted


If thereā€™s a faster ā€œbrrrrā€, I wouldnā€™t mind for an equally long ā€œbrrrrrā€ than we already have.

(So a high rof mg42, with a longer belt).


Well, feeble minds may require some help with this gun. Iā€™m too chad to care about such details.

Hey man you never know when someone whoā€™s been disgraced and discredited will pop up with an alt to continue to spread their lunacy. Lol

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Iā€™m not dead yet so Iā€™m not gonna resurrect with another face until Iā€™ve been banned then you can start suspecting whoever is in new parrot

Sounds good

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Have fun finding out who the new parrot is whenever that may happen and parrots are everywhere even you could be a parrot.


These pc superiority nerds keep talking crap and Iā€™m gonna end up being banned myself. Lol. Lot harder to fake an account when its tied to your Playstation though Iā€™d imagine. Not sure how to make a new one that could also fulfill the play requirements. Anyways, hereā€™s to hoping mods donā€™t come down on either of us. Donā€™t feel like dealing with the problem, and I like debating people online about things I care about

Everyone knows the iron sights for the Americans are cursed and if they were to actually fix them that means they have to actually address the rest of the game and actually make weapons work properly.

And I ran out of hearts but have more rainbow parrots


You get a little mountain of parrots

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I just donā€™t want a shorter ā€œbrrrrrrā€.

I have simple tastes.


what they will probably give us


I think that one has a 200 round drum


they would rather give us stuff from ww1 than give us a beltfeed weapon even if now germany sucks xD