that is, because of these walking consol crap, the entire progression of the game is blocked? I’ve never seen anything like it, I wonder who in 2025 continues to buy these plastic latrines
there is something more, it is not possible I have never seen such discomfort in releasing a bp it is starting to be ridiculous, please at least remove the expiration count because it creates anxiety and seems like a joke, when you are ready release, otherwise you will receive these comments that you do not want but it is your fault
If there is a 4th delay in a row I’m out.
release a third of the content in half the time, getting less for doing more
you will be missed never
Constructive criticism is fine, a natural outburst, but threatening or showing that you are uninstalling the game is in my humble opinion extremely ridiculous and childish, I would add that it doesn’t interest anyone
wow the playerbase is really that sad low? no wonder the game is stagnant…
That the game is that dead is tragic to see.
This Game was so promising when came out… then you get BS and ‘‘merge’’ and pissing on historical aspect of game and simplifying and not fixing things and all that, delays and key game mechanics missing, april and halloween joke is given more effort than core game… extended prolonged delayed BP… It’s amodern PC game, should have atleast 1 million players, times 10 what numbers now a week…
How can it survive without that? sucking us few whales paying for this game is not gonne keep developers team hired, company costs paid for and expanding developing game…
How is WarThunders numbers doing nowadays? I stopped playing that Game when Enlisted came out, because Enlisted had combined warfare and Historical Matchups, more realism and immersion… well that got rocked with the ‘‘merge’’ and other BS.
I hope Enlisted will turn shit around and be succesfull, I really do for it! but…
that is just steam alone, there are tens of thousands of players on playstation, Xbox and on Enlisted´s own client.
game has around 20-30% more playerbase compared to premerge. so…
Of course it has, new BPs and events mostly exist to keep veterans playing - most players are stuck around BR3, and the only thing that keeps them reaching even just that far is that they enjoy the game.
Most players quit before reaching BR2 since this is a free to play shooter.
Idk man, feels just as dead as pre-merge. I often get matches half team are definetly bots.
And I do wonder if there is some farmbots out there too.
On average match you got 1-2 good players in team 2-3 decent if ur lucky, rest are complete horseshit, stats that make you cry, dies as much as kills, builds f all, runs straight to cap in line and die.
on average just as was before the shit ‘‘merge’’
sadly to disappoint you, but most of the matches(at least on crossplay on) are full of players. they are terribly bad players, but they are human. on average you get ~1% of prematch bots into the regular matches(data from august to november 2024). certainly you have certain percentage of bots cause people desert, but prematch bots are pretty much non existent.
on other hand newbie MM is full of bots as well as crossplay off.
this could certainly be a possibility, but i dont believe that enlisted is popular enough to have number of them that would influence MM.
i agree with this. matches are either you roflstomp enemy or enemy roflstomps you. mostly cause there is no SBMM so you are paired with worst players ever.
Maybe this is where they get in then and doesn’t show in the statistics.
Cause man most I meet out there are so horribly bad they can’t be players.
A few matches now and then you got 3-4 players with 2-3 kills and dies 7, and you know BR V Match, that has to be bots :S
Zep I am sure it shows squad losses and soldier kills I try to get close as I can to one for one losses of soldier to soldier. As for rushing to death it’s better then refusing to play the objective and giving it to the enemy. That is taking points, defending points and planting bombs.
This is though exactly as was with Pre-Merge.
Seems problem is simply just not enought players that the pool disperge among all factions and BRs for the matchmakers no matter what.
skill matched MM would be nice, atleast if it factored that in and tried to get you even squared
SBMM And +0BR mm are the ideal for this game but since 70% of the playerbase is full of dumbasses then we have 3 servers where the playerbase is divided, faction popularity time zone… i mean unless we are enoughly patient the time just to find a game will be absurd…
yes and that is why it makes peoples stats even WORSE. you should have 7-9 kills per death to even up you know… when you see the bottome 4 of team killed 4 and died 7 times… that makes you wonder really?
that is the best for average joe cause their effort don’t really matter, it’s the top 2-3 players that decides the match and wins it, nearly always.
The more skilled players are at most efficiency running tanks or planes, or negating pathsways to caps, puttin up rallies to direct the ants, shit like that.
But you know depends on how you wanna play.
I for one mostly semi-roleplay this game so ^^
it shows in statistic and you get ~20% of total players deserting. out of that number ~20-30% are prematch deserters that were replaced with another human player. for other 60-80% i cant tell when they deserted(either prematch or at end of match).
i have seen so many bots better than actual human players that it is simply sad.
it is much better than premerge cause now decent players have chance of impacting final result somewhat if there is no overwhelming difference in teams.
there are enough players for current MM. problem would be if we added SBMM on top of current MM rules and then there would be absolutely no way to have enough players.
Are you sure about crossplay off? I’ve played BRI Japan quite a lot recently and see plenty of console players in the lists.
if you are seeing them, then they are on crossplay on. crossplay off is console only MM.
Thats why I’m almost at this should be a single player Game with traditional Campaigns, and then you got seasons of War, let’s say 1 month in Summer is Normandy Campaign and all play that, BP removes and instead you got some kinds Season reward system to unlock, cosmetics, skins, weapons, say maybe 3-4 weapons, 2-3 soldiers, 5-6 skins you know, kinda of like a fleshed out Event.
Only way to pool up the Players enough, then people would play all factions nd rotate around, healthy way of playing and less burn out, this way we can have asymetrical factions, historical matchups, get British and italian own Tree, something I’ve been thinking about.
Anyways current way is stagnant is to say the least, and that’s a shame
im pretty sure that pve on this game as a separated gamemode could work i mean… look at the zombies event, if DF try to do a bigger effort on improving the retarded AI this could easily turn the game way more fun i mean… look at insurgency sandstrom ai
literally those bots say skill issue to you
again DF is lazy when it comes to releasing content sadly i mean is almost 9 years since game development and im pretty sure than any other company could have done this on this lapse of time
it could work or well im not sure tbh… is tecnically a Battlepass on a specific teather of ww2
yeee making ppl unlock all on a PVE mode could encourage them to spread across al faction propelly. that way DF could not be in the neccesity of handicaping or buffing an specific faction due its lack of player with brain
I personally doubt abt making another 2 factions… i mean it could be better to have a switch nationality option just saying… besides that there… is some italian/british equipment i would like to be added like the Semmovente with 105mm (lets say italian KV-2 lul)