1^a Compagnia motociclisti - Italian Police armored motorcycle squad

It’s sad when you look at brens or the second lmg in Moscow/ Tunisia with them taking around 3 seconds only while having similar configurations :sweat_smile:


i want the “carro armato veloce L3” with the flamethrower, max speed max destruction


I want this so bad.


It actually seems like a good compromise: resistance to small arms fire in exchange for a small magazine on your machine gun, and a two man crew. As long as the reload isn’t too long it sounds pretty fun to me, maybe as an event reward


And as you can see from the photos, the legs would be easily hittable from the front. And maybe also the head, as Enlisted likes to have the people in vehicles stand/sit as straight as possible (M8 scott commander for example)

Looking at the front, I could easily snipe the legs from the front with a regular enfield, at a low angle of only like 10-15 degrees.

@61133313 Same reply basically. It would in theory, but it’d be easy to snipe you off, just like what happens to the commanders of open-top TDs like the scott or M10.

@Overlander57 Again, I bet the dudes will be easily hittable at low angles.
Though as an event reward it would be cool. It’s a very cool, but niche vehicle, so either event or premium would be nice. Just don’t make people grind it.

Look at the photos again, closely. There’s a straight shield for each leg :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yet that’s just a flat piece of metal, with the leg pretty far behind it. If you were to look at a 3D model and tilt it by a few degrees, then basically the whole leg would be out in the open.

That’s not really the gotcha you claim it is. The current motorcycles are 100% exposed to small arms fire; so a motorcycle that is only 60% exposed from the front is still a huge improvement, while still not being an overpowered mobile pillbox.

If a mg gets into a good position with cover from flanking fire, it should be hard for anyone to get a clean shot at them without exposing themselves. This motorcycle would be less vulnerable than existing examples, and more importantly it would give is an Italian motorcycle when there are already two German motorcycles in-game.


Where it wouldn’t be an improvement is that you can still die quickly and easily, so it’s barely any more useful than the exposed ones in game, it has an mg which would have to be reloaded every 2 seconds, and that reload most likely wouldn’t be that short, and on top of that, you only get a 2-man squad, which is kinda crappy.

Could replace the stupid German non premium one in Tunisia

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Nah, it’d be a downgrade.
Worse Mg and smaller squad for armor that’s only effective directly in front (just a slight angle and you’re exposed).

It would be no downgrade, it’s a different vehicle with its ups and downs.

It’s more armoured, so that’s a positive thing, the gun is similar to the Breda Modello 30 except it’s magazine reloaded instead of ammo strips, so some significant faster reload.

The magazine capacity is only 25 rounds, five more than the Breda Modello 30, even though you gotta reload more times in order to keep constant cover fire or offensive fire, it makes you make each bullet count, instead of spraying and praying with the MG34.

I would say it would be a good addition because it gives another motorized unit so both nations get to enjoy their own technology in the Axis faction (Italy and Germany).

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I totally support this suggestion, amazing unit and would love to see it in game.

Well, yeah, it’s armored, but only directly from the front. A little bit to the side and you’re exposed.
And yeah, the mg would be a breda 30 basically. Which is simply garbage compared to the mg34.

I don’t see that. That’s a matter of player skill and playstyle, the gun has nothing to do with it. And the mg34 can do both better, as it’s about 2x as accurate.
You also failed to mention the obvious downside of it being a 2-man squad.
It would encourage greyzone camping and would be worse in every other scenario. It wouldn’t be a good adition.
Also, don’t revive dead posts, it’s not a nice thing to do.

A third man could be added behind the driver seat. The shields are better than nothing on it as we do not have something like that in the game.
The Scotti lmg is similar to the Bren that we already have with the British motorcycle squad, so the downgrade with the MG 34 would be very little

Not sure if that’d be realistic. That thing wouldn’t usually have 3 people unless absolutely necessary. it certainly wouldn’t carry 3 into combat.

Yet how much better than nothing? I’d say not very.

Still a huge downgrade.
You’d go from the best mg in the game to very much mediocre. Having to wait like 30s (basically all vehicle mgs have the same reload time, no matter their mag size) everytime you fire off 25 rounds and having to actually aim would hinder it a lot compared to a 34 with which you just point in something’s general direction and obliterate it.

I still stand by my opinion. It would be good as a premium or event squad, not really as a regular unlock and definitely not as a replacement for the current bike.
Though I guess I’d still rather have to unlock this thing then a 3 star kar98k with a granade launcher.

If you can’t play with the Breda Modello 30, than there’s nothing else I can do for you, it’s not our fault if you are unable to play with it.

The MG34 is the MG34, but the world is not just made of such machine gun, there’s other machine guns.

Your argument about “It’s armoured, but you go a little bit to the side and you’re exposed” it’s of the same value if I said “A Sherman tank is armoured, but you go to the sides and it gets obliterated”.

All I see about your comments and posts are just negative stuff and not constructive criticism, all you want to do is make this vehicle look bad without even analyzing it.

You’re not gonna be taken seriously if all you do is that, Tunisia is German/Italian campaign and not everything will be as good as expected, but you gotta learn the downsides of your vehicles and use that in your favour.

Stop being negative and start doing some actual criticism.

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Bots with boys would be really happy

No one talked about this motorcycle replacing any current vehicle in the game, dunno why are you complaining about something that was not said.

Also, dunno what’s your problem about the “Reply” button but that does not matter.

Not all vehicles perform the same, you got to addapt to the vehicle. It’s not as great as the MG34 squad but that does not mean he can’t give it a chance.

I support this suggestion, it has less one crew and less ammo yes but it’s an Italian vehicle, it’s armoured and this is a German/Italian campaign, so I support diversity, not a monotonous campaign with nothing new and interesting to unlock.

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My problem is that this comment is a month old. Last reply was 9 days ago. And a few replies before there was another large gap.
Necroing threads is frowned upon basically everywhere.

Yes. Which is why I said it’d be great as a premium or reward squad. Not necessarily as a replacement (which has been said in this thread) or a 2nd regular biker squad.

It would’ve been a good unlock early on. I would’ve liked this in the regular campaign if it was like lvl 12 or something. Not necessarily as a lvl 30+.